Genre: Horror
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Welcome to Gehenna & Hinnom. Where things go bump in the night and dimensions fold within one another. Beasts lurk in shadows and nightmares take physical form. In this tome, you will find the most exciting weird fiction and cosmic horror from the best up-and-coming authors in the genres.
From Sarah Gribble's "Thirst":
There are creatures in the sea.
My grandfather told me this as a child every time I spent the night with him and Gram. It was part of a story, a fisherman’s legend, meant to scare children into staying away from the tide, to keep them safe. I loved every bit of it. Gram said I had water in my blood: a sentiment that made my chest swell with pride and her face fall in worry.
The stories sent me off to sleep and filled my dreams with innocuous visions of water: walking on it, swimming, fishing with Gramps. The dreams have since turned to nightmares.
Because Gramps meant things like sharks, stingrays, and eels. Squid, jellyfish, and killer whales.
He meant the things we knew about.
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