Genre: Fantasy, Horror
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At least once a year since I first started writing, I have put together a story that once finished, I simply file away in a folder entitled ‘Completed’ where it is never seen or heard from again. Not because they were bad, but because they were just so different that there was nowhere else to put them. They would be devoid of a genre, a theme, and would sometimes read like an alcohol-infused dream. But they were good stories all the same. One day, I got to thinking 'maybe other authors out there have stories that are just too weird to fit conventional themes?' It turns out that I was right...A Little Bit of Nonsense contains exactly that: a handful of short stories that are otherwise to obscure and too nonsensical to find a home anywhere else. Enjoy.
From Sarah Gribble's "Pens and Papers":
Dr. Ambrose waited. She caught him checking his watch again and began to feel rushed. She wished Dr. Kathy could be here. Dr. Kathy never made her feel rushed. In all the time she’d been shut in here—behind doors that, no matter how many presents she brought them or how sweetly she spoke to them, refused to be her friends—Dr. Kathy had always been patient with her. This trait was very important to Glory. When she felt rushed, she couldn’t explain herself. And when she couldn’t explain herself, she became agitated. Which agitated everyone around her. Then food trays were likely to fly at someone’s head, her books ignored her, and the doors and evil needles became more aggressive. She took a deep breath and concentrated on making the papers right.
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