Genre: Horror
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Patrick Reuman presents 17 tales woven from deep within the confines of 10 twisted minds.
Embrace the dark.
From Sarah Gribble's "The Darkness Inside":
“Your condition is called nyctophobia.”
I roll my eyes. It’s the same with all the new therapists. We start over at the beginning like I’ve never been through this before. Then they pronounce my diagnosis like they’re the first one to come up with it. It’s why I stopped going to sessions years ago.
“I’m aware,” I tell Dr. Morrey. “From the Greek. Nyctos meaning night, phobos meaning fear.”
His eyebrows tick up.
“I’ve been through this countless times. Nothing helps.”
Slowly, he places his notebook to the side and leans forward, arms crossed over knees. A classic therapist pose. I wonder if they teach body positioning in college. “Then tell me, Leeanna, why are you here?”
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