Genre: General Fiction
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In its third volume, the World Unknown Review brings its readers nine exciting new stories and one novella from writers around the world for its 2016 edition. Stories run a wide variety in subject and genre, so there's sure to be a new favorite story inside for everyone. Featured authors include Adam L. Bealby, James Wylder, Sarah Gribble, Robert Allen Lupton, Ribhu, Max D. Stanton, Nich Manzolillo, Lena Ng, Rick Ewing, and Karen Heslop.
From Sarah Gribble's "Lullaby Land":
I go to visit her every Sunday at ten o’clock, a time I used to reserve for Mass. Now my husband worships without me. I can’t bring myself to praise God after all He has taken from me.
I pull off the paved drive, as usual, just past the battalion of uniform soldiers’ graves, all lined up as if they were protecting the young souls behind them. It’s raining today, and cold, but that doesn’t deter me. No umbrella, no coat.
My SUV door slams shut with a startling report in the silence. As usual, the cemetery is deserted.
Two angelic stone children kneel on either side of a small fountain, their hands clutched in prayer as they look up at the sky. Etched in the fountain’s curved side are the words LULLABY LAND. I want to scream every time I pass this gateway to the corner section; the name seems trite and foolish. As if all the children buried here are merely sleeping.
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