Introducing UNREALPOLITIK, a speculative fiction anthology that explores the “interesting” political times we’re living in.
My short story, “Red Alert,” is featured in this awesome anthology!
The train is safe, they tell us. Crime is almost nonexistent. We’re safer than all the other civilizations in history, thanks in part to the separation of races and the closure of our borders. And, of course, the Dynastic Family’s tough stance on crime. We’re safe.
They pronounce the state of safety so frequently, I wonder if it’s a recording playing on a loop instead of the breaking news they claim it to be. Even now, I’m looking at a
To purchase a copy of UNREALPOLITIK, featuring “Red Alert” click here:
Paperback: http://a.co/d/5nqGpD2
and Digital: http://a.co/d/d4v3wtr